Grad Pic & Letters
Finelight Photo Studio will be providing the attire for everyone on the shoot. Guys can bring their own set of formal shirt and tie. Girls need not bring clothing. There will be a make-up artist and hair stylist and stylist-in-general there, so don't worry about your good looks.
Now, for the more URGENT matter: please think of your creative shot requirements and email them to the following by 12 MIDNIGHT TONIGHT (I don't know which date to put HAHA. Basta MAMAYA):
Charm & Electron: Joseph Paguio =
Gluon & Graviton: Jeks Espina =
Muon & Photon: Andreia Carrillo =
Tau & Truth: JR Aldiosa =
Make them as SPECIFIC as possible; if you can provide a picture, a color, or whatever, that would be better. Also, if you really can't think of your creative shot, the studio has as a variety of backdrops and concepts from which you could choose from. The only disadvantage of of choosing from those is that other people would somewhat have the same shot as you would.
Be reminded that although you submitted one, it gives you no guarantee that what you put there will be your final creative shot. It will still be subject to the feasibility of the concept itself and the availability of materials needed.
Re: Schedule: It's being finalized. Most likely, Charm, Electron, Gluon, Graviton will be moved to the next week. Just wait for further announcements.
Re: Payment: I will post the people who haven't paid as of today in your respective sites later. 8D
Re: Submissions: GUYS, WRITE-UPS & PICTURES NIYO PLEASE. Medyo tatlong linggo na siyang overdue. Medyo lang naman. Baka gusto niyong magpasa. Baka lang naman. Pero seriously, para walang blangko sa yearbook, cooperate please.
Letters given today! Take note of the deadline of the reply slip. :D
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