Batch Day Reminder

Once again, here is the schedule: 

8:00am-8:15am - Flag Ceremony and Announcement of the Director's List for the 2nd Quarter (1st to 4th Year)

[parents are not required to come; DL certificates will be attached to the Progress Report Card]

8:30am-12:00pm - BATCH DAY ACTIVITIES

     8:30am-9:00am - Batch Pictorial (Venue: TBA) [still open for suggestions for ideas re this]
     9:00am-11:30am - Fun & Games (Venue: Field/Grandstand)
     11:30am-12:45pm - Lunch (Venue: 3rd flr SHB classrooms; each section will be assigned a room of their own; preparations c/o parents)
     12:45pm-1:00pm - Clean up (since the same rooms will be used for Card-giving with the Class Advisers)

This is considered as a school day, therefore attendance is required. Absence will be unexcused unless there's a valid reason.

Wear your batch shirts and a comfortable outfit for we will have physical activities. There will be a very special prize to the section who'll win in the games. Bring extra clothes, too.
To the medics, please bring your medic kits just in case.

POSTED BY kim ednalino

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